Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 101: Halloween

Tim and I had a great day watching scary movies and eating our candy prizes from the contest yesterday. Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 100: Mario

To commemorate Day 100 - Mario! We went to a Halloween party tonight at Tim's office and won FIRST PRIZE in the costume contest! Guess what Tim went as? Also - 100 coins = 1up!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 99: Kitchen

It was either this, or a photo of the blood splatter all over the kitchen. A Marine came by today to randomly deliver a new refrigerator and ended up slicing his finger open and bleeding everywhere. He had to go get stitches. But on the plus side, new fridge, so... All in all, a mixed day.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 98: Typhoon II

I know, enough with the sky pictures! I couldn't resist. We had some of the strangest weather I've ever seen today. Typhoon Chaba came close enough to Okinawa that Tim was sent home from work and told to batten down the hatches. We reached TCCOR-1E, which basically means hole up in your apartment and stay away from windows. The winds were absolutely nuts. Somehow though, around sunset, the sky started changing from orange to pink to purple. When my camera battery died, I stuck Tim's point-and-shoot out the window on full auto and got this. The flash hitting the raindrops makes it look like a meteor shower!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 97: Typhoon

Apparently Typhoon Chaba is making its way to Okinawa - this is the view from our window tonight. Sometimes, like Jane Eyre, I wish "the wind to howl more wildly, the gloom to deepen to darkness, and the confusion to rise to clamour."

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 96: Kindle

Tim and I got our Christmas presents today! We decided to buy each other Kindles since we both travel so much lately. I'm excited to start reading my first book, The Commitment by Dan Savage. I have heard amazing things about it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 95: Pedi II

Got my second pedicure at Cocoks the other day. I love love love that place. I like this design even better than the last one. I love having pretty toes!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 94: Victory

My pretty toes will have to wait one more day. Tim and I were able to watch an exciting Mizzou game today from Okinawa and got to see our Tigers beat Oklahoma. I NEVER watch football, but even I enjoyed it. I can only imagine what downtown Columbia is like right now!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 93: Tim IV

Tim and I spent some time by the seawall before I got my pedicure today. I love this photo of him, not just because he's a stud, but because of the cool "photo within a photo" reflection of me in his sunglasses. You can bet there will be a picture of my pedicure on here tomorrow!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 92: Storm

This is the view from the top floor of our building. The ocean is close enough that you can actually see the waves breaking. We loved watching this huge storm cloud roll in.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 91: Fog

I have been fighting with technology all day today and am just fed up with it. My lens didn't want to cooperate today re: condensation, so my photos all ended up foggy. I think this one is pretty, but I am still kind of cheesed off.

Day 90: Pizza II

I was hoping Day 90 would be something truly awesome to commemorate my 3-month mark on this project. Nope - here's a photo of my pizza.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 89: Brontë

I love the look of a well-loved book. This is actually my second copy - I got it after my first one fell apart from too much reading (though to be fair the first one used to be my mom's, who also happens to love Jane Eyre).

Day 88: Improvising

Here in the BOQ, our kitchen supplies are nothing to write home about. Our saucepan happens not to have a lid, so when I need to cover something while cooking, I use a cookie sheet. Tonight, in an unprecedented turn of events, I needed the cookie sheet for both stovetop cooking and baking. At a loss, I turned over an oversized Pyrex bowl on top of my pan. Voilà!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 87: Shoes

I found some shoes today to wear to the Marine Corps ball! We have two of them to go to in less than a month, and I was worried because I hadn't found any yet. These are adorable, and based on my limited experience in them today I doubt I will fall on my face on the dance floor. Win!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 86: Books

My husband is a nerd.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 85: Light

Slow day today - here's the light fixture in our bathroom.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 84: Shiraz

Looking forward to my glass of wine tonight. Sigh.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 83: Leaves

Tim had to go back to work today after our glorious four day weekend, so I returned to my daily routine of taking a walk around the BOQ with my camera. I like the pattern these leaves make.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 82: Haircut

As it turns out, one of my wifely duties is cutting Tim's hair every week. It's quite a process for such a short cut. This is what Step 1 looks like.

Day 81: Aquarium

Tim and I had our first Adventure Day since I've been back, and where else would we spend it but Churaumi Aquarium? One of our favorite places on the island. That's a whale shark, people.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 80: Beans

Tim and I have been enjoying our lazy weekend, and I have been enjoying being able to cook dinners for us. It's the little things.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 79: Tim III

Tim and I celebrated our 3 month anniversary today by lounging around in our pj's, watching movies, drinking wine, and dreaming about the future. This is Tim looking at a map of our future home in the Pacific Northwest.

Day 78: Tim II

What else could I take a photo of on my first day back in Okinawa? What a stud!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 77: Naha

Exhausted and loopy from my 24 hour, 3 flight journey to Okinawa, for some reason I decided to try experimenting with slow shutter speed in a moving car on the drive home. I just can't be stopped. Not a great shot, but kind of interesting.

Day 76: Sunrise

I took this while waiting for my flight on Tatooine...I mean Kansas City airport. Long live the Rebellion!

Day 75: Trevor V

I'm gonna miss this guy.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 74: Dragonfly

Today was my last stop at Shelter Gardens for quite some time. I brought my zoom lens, which I have been neglecting lately in favor of the 50mm, and got to capture this cute dragonfly.

Day 73: Sheila

Had a great evening with my in-laws last night in Jeff City. This is their sweet beagle, Sheila.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 72: Stephanie

Stephanie and I went to Shelter Gardens for a short walk today. This shot was meant as a joke, because in the next frame she pretended to pick her nose, but I thought it actually turned out great. Isn't she pretty? :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 71: Wheel

I like this photo because it's so different from what I've been posting...namely flower, puppy, flower, puppy, flower, other animal, puppy....